Friday, April 17, 2009


Since this is my first appearance in the Blogger-community, I would like to use the opportunity to introduce myself.
I am a 22 year old female from the north of Europe. I have been practicing Hatha Yoga since the age of 15, where my dad handed me "The Bible" (An older and very heavy 'how to'-yoga book). I studied it from beginning to end and quickly I was on the floor trying to copy the woman on the illustrates. In spite of my first clumpsy attempts to do Yoga, i was immediately fascinated and soon I was practicing on a daily basis - couldn't get enough. A few years later i signed into a Yoga Class, were I was happy to share my passion for Yoga with other people and enjoying learning even more every single day.
Today, I still feel the same great passion and joy when practicing Yoga as I did 7 years ago, and I'm always eager to learn as much as possible. My vision in life is to become a Yoga Teacher and hopefully to bring as much knowlegde and help to others, as I too have received in the last years.
I have been blogging for a couple of years, not about one single subject though, and now I felt it was the time for me to try starting a new blog that is only about Yoga, it's my two passions all mixed together - what can be greater than that? :-)
That's all I have to say for now, I hope you will enjoy reading and I'll see you in the Blogger-space!